+44 7737 060592
Roy Zimmerhansl
Practice Lead
Roy Zimmerhansl is the Practice Lead at Pierpoint Financial Consulting, a leading securities finance consultancy. With decades of experience in securities finance, collateral management, and significant risk transfer, Roy is a recognised expert in the field. Currently, he leads the Stock Lending Working Group for the UK Accelerated Settlement Taskforce.
Pierpoint offers consulting, private equity advisory, product management, and training services to a diverse clientele, specializing in securities finance, collateral management, SRT, synthetics, and custody.
Roy has served on the boards of industry associations in Europe and Asia, participated in the Bank of England Securities Lending and Repo Committee, and acted as an expert witness in legal cases in both the UK and US. Roy’s contributions to the industry have been honoured with Lifetime Achievement Awards from both Global Investor Magazine and Global Custodian Magazine.